Arizona – USA


Arizona’s terrain is filled with desert, oak woodland, conifer forest, and areas near various rivers and streams. While Arizona is mainly known for being hot and dry, it is incredibly popular for birding across the state. 

The southeastern region includes the Santa Rita, Chiricahua, and Huachuca mountain ranges, known as the Sky Islands, they likely would be voted as most North American birders’ favorite birding destination. Because of its close proximity to Mexico, many birds that can’t be found anywhere else in the states can be found in Arizona. Some birds include the Elegant Trogon, Thick-billed Kingbird, Lucifer Hummingbird, and Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher. 

Despite its lack of coastline, Arizona boasts an incredible number of birds, nearly 550 species of birds can be found statewide! March through August are the best months for bird photography here though just about any month can be very rewarding. Perhaps America’s most famous geological landmark; The Grand Canyon is located in the north of the State and can also be great for birding and bird photography. It is here that the majestic and endangered California Condor can be seen. These birds are critically endangered, there are only 226 California Condors left in the wild and 180 in captivity.  

Owen was able to visit many of these sites with his guide Steve Huggins on a birding trip in July of 2022, as well as Ramsey Canyon in August and September 2006, and Sedona in 2008. He has photographed the Elegant Trogon, Botteri’s Sparrow, Inca Dove, Eastern Bluebird, Mexican Jay, various hummingbird species, and many more birds in Arizona.

© Owen Deustch

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