Photos change often, so be sure to check back


Order and Genus filters are meant to help advanced birders
- accipitriformes
- anseriformes
- apodiformes
- bucerotiformes
- caprimulgiformes
- charadriiformes
- ciconiiformes
- coliiformes
- columbiformes
- coraciiformes
- cuculiformes
- eurypygiformes
- falconiformes
- galliformes
- gaviiformes
- gruiformes
- musophagiformes
- opisthocomiformes
- otidiformes
- passeriformes
- pelecaniformes
- phaethontiformes
- phasianidae
- phoenicopteriformes
- picidae
- piciformes
- podicipediformes
- procellariiformes
- psittaciformes
- pterocliformes
- rheiformes
- sphenisciformes
- strigiformes
- struthioniformes
- suliformes
- tinamiformes
- trogoniformes
- Abaco - Bahamas
- Akagera National Park - Rwanda
- Anchorage - Alaska, USA
- Andros - Bahamas
- Angama Mara Lodge - Kenya
- Arizona - USA
- Audubon Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary - Florida, USA
- Baja - Mexico
- Ballestas Island - Peru
- Bariloche - Argentina
- Belmond Khwai River Lodge at Moremi Reserve - Botswana
- Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary - India
- Big Island - Hawaii, USA
- Big Sur – California, USA
- Bodega Bay - California, USA
- Bonaventure island - Canada
- Boquete Tree Trek - Panama
- Bosque del Apache - New Mexico, USA
- Buenaventura Umbrellabird Lodge - Ecuador
- Buenos Aires - Argentina
- Cabanas San Isidro Lodge - Ecuador
- Cabo Rojo - Dominican Republic
- Calumet Region - Illinois, USA
- Cancun - Mexico
- Canopy Family (Tower, Camp, Lodge) - Panama
- Cape May - New Jersey, USA
- Carara National Park - Costa Rica
- Casa Bonita - Dominican Republic
- Cayo Guillermo - Cuba
- Central Park - New York, USA
- Chicago Botanical Gardens - Illinois, USA
- Churchill Manitoba - Canada
- Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary - Belize
- Colorado - USA
- Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary - Belize
- Devon and Dorset – United Kingdom
- Dr. Rafael María Moscoso Botanic Garden - Dominican Republic
- Duluth - Minnesota, USA
- Dutch Harbor - Alaska, USA
- El Dorado Reserve - Colombia
- El Kilometer 18 - Colombia
- Esquipulas - Costa Rica
- Fazenda Rio Negro - Brazil
- Gloucestershire and Worcestershire - United Kingdom
- Gocta Waterfalls - Peru
- Guango Lodge - Ecuador
- Half Moon Bay – California, USA
- Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens - South Africa
- Horicon Marsh - Wisconsin, USA
- Hotel Mockingbird Hill - Port Antonio, Jamaica
- Huembo Reserve - Peru
- Illinois Beach State Park – Illinois, USA
- Illinois River Valley - Illinois, USA
- Indiana Dunes National Park - Indiana, USA
- Intaka Island - South Africa
- Ixtapa - Mexico
- Jorupe Reserve - Ecuador
- Kaua'i - Hawaii, USA
- Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden - South Africa
- Kwetsani camp – Botswana
- La Guira National Park - Cuba
- La Reserva Natural Jardín De Rocas - Colombia
- LaBagh Woods - Illinois, USA
- Laguna de Oviedo - Dominican Republic
- Lake Geneva - Wisconsin, USA
- Las Terrazas Nature Reserve - Cuba
- Lemala Kuria Hills Lodge - Tanzania
- Lime Tree Farm - Jamaica
- Los Flamencos Nature Sanctuary - Colombia
- Maasai Mara - Kenya
- Madera Canyon - Arizona, USA
- Maui - Hawaii, USA
- Maumee - Ohio, USA
- McHenry County - Illinois, USA
- Meru National Park - Kenya
- Mkuze Falls Game Reserve - South Africa
- Montana - USA
- Monterey Bay – California, USA
- Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary - Illinois, USA
- Nairobi National Park - Kenya
- New Providence - Bahamas
- Nome - Alaska, USA
- Norfolk - United Kingdom
- North Pond - Illinois, USA
- North Texas Coast - Texas, USA
- Northwest Illinois - USA
- O'ahu - Hawaii, USA
- Owlet Lodge at Abra Patricia Reserve - Peru
- Pacific Northwest - USA
- Pangolin Voyager Houseboat – Botswana
- Paracas National Reserve - Peru
- Pinnacles National Park – California, USA
- Pipeline Road - Panama
- Puerto Vallarta - Mexico
- Punta Cana - Dominican Republic
- Quetzal Trail - Panama
- Rainbow Beach – Illinois, USA
- Rajasthan - India
- Ramsey Canyon - Arizona, USA
- Risaralda - Colombia
- Sabana de la Mar - Dominican Republic
- Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge - Rwanda
- Sacha Lodge - Ecuador
- Sala's Camp - Kenya
- San Diego – California, USA
- Sani Lodge - Ecuador
- Santa Rosa - California, USA
- Savuti Camp – Botswana
- Sax-Zim Bog - Minnesota, USA
- Sayari Camp - Northern Serengeti, Tanzania
- Sept-Iles - Canada
- Septimo Paraiso Lodge - Ecuador
- Sierra de Bahoruco Reserve - Dominican Republic
- Simon's Town - South Africa
- South Pacific
- Strandfontein Sewage Works - South Africa
- Tapichalaca Reserve - Ecuador
- Texas Hill Country - Texas, USA
- Venice Rookery - Florida, USA
- Wakodahatchee Wetlands - Florida, USA
- Wales - United Kingdom
- West Coast National Park - South Africa
- Western Shores of iSimangaliso Wetland Park - South Africa
- Wildsumaco Lodge - Ecuador
- Yucatan - Mexico
- Zapata Peninsula - Cuba
- Zebra Hills Safari Lodge at Manyoni Game Reserve - South Africa
- Zimanga Game Reserve - South Africa
- Île aux Perroquets - Canada
- accipitridae
- acrocephalidae
- aegithalidae
- alaudidae
- alcedinidae
- alcidae
- anatidae
- anhimidae
- anhingidae
- apodidae
- aramidae
- ardeidae
- aves
- bombycillidae
- bucconidae
- bucerotidae
- bucorvidae
- buphagidae
- burhinidae
- calcariidae
- calyptophilidae
- campephagidae
- capitonidae
- caprimulgidae
- cardinalidae
- cathartidae
- certhiidae
- cettiidae
- chaetopidae
- charadriidae
- ciconiidae
- cinclidae
- cisticolidae
- coliidae
- columbidae
- coraciidae
- corvidae
- cotingidae
- cracidae
- cuculidae
- dicruridae
- diomedeidae
- donacobiidae
- dulidae
- emberizidae
- estrildidae
- eurypygidae
- falconidae
- fregatidae
- fringillidae
- furnariidae
- galbulidae
- gaviidae
- glareolidae
- grallariidae
- gruidae
- haematopodidae
- hirundinidae
- icteridae
- icteriidae
- jacanidae
- landiidae
- laniidae
- laridae
- leiothrichidae
- lybiidae
- macrosphenidae
- malaconotidae
- megalaimidae
- meropidae
- mimidae
- momotidae
- monarchidae
- motacillidae
- muscicapidae
- musophagidae
- nectariniidae
- numididae
- nyctibiidae
- odontophoridae
- opisthocomidae
- oriolidae
- otididae
- pandionidae
- panuridae
- paradoxornithidae
- paridae
- parulidae
- passerellidae
- passeridae
- pelecanidae
- peucedramidae
- phaenicophilidae
- phaethontidae
- phalacrocoracidae
- phasianidae
- phoenicopteridae
- phoeniculidae
- phylloscopidae
- picidae
- pipridae
- platysteiridae
- ploceidae
- podicipedidae
- polioptilidae
- procellariidae
- promeropidae
- prunellidae
- psittacidae
- psittaculidae
- pteroclidae
- ptiliogonatidae
- pycnonotidae
- rallidae
- ramphastidae
- recurvirostridae
- regulidae
- remizidae
- rheidae
- rhipiduridae
- rhodinocichlidae
- rostratulidae
- sagittariidae
- scolopacidae
- scopidae
- semnornithidae
- sittidae
- spheniscidae
- spindalidae
- stenostiridae
- stercorariidae
- strigidae
- struthionidae
- sturnidae
- sulidae
- sylviidae
- teretistridae
- thamnophilidae
- thraupidae
- threskiornithidae
- tinamidae
- tityridae
- todidae
- trochilidae
- troglodytidae
- trogonidae
- turdidae
- tyrannidae
- tytonidae
- upupidae
- vangidae
- viduidae
- vireonidae
- zeledoniidae
- zosteropidae
- acanthis
- accipiter
- acridotheres
- acrocephalus
- actitis
- actophilornis
- adelomyia
- aechmophorus
- aegithalos
- aegolius
- aeronautes
- aethia
- afrotis
- agapornis
- agelaioides
- agelaius
- aglaeactis
- aglaiocercus
- agriornis
- aimophila
- aix
- alauda
- alca
- alcedo
- alectoris
- alopochen
- amandava
- amazilia
- amazilis
- amazona
- amazonetta
- amblyospiza
- ammodramus
- ammospiza
- ampelion
- amphispiza
- amphispizopsis
- anairetes
- anas
- anastomus
- andigena
- andropadus
- anhinga
- anisognathus
- anodorhynchus
- anous
- anser
- anthobaphes
- anthracothorax
- anthus
- antigone
- antrostomus
- apalis
- aphelocoma
- aquila
- ara
- aramides
- aramus
- aratinga
- archilochus
- ardea
- ardenna
- ardeola
- ardeotis
- arenaria
- argya
- arremon
- arremonops
- artemisiospiza
- arundinicola
- asio
- atalotriccus
- athene
- atlapetes
- attila
- aulacorhynchus
- auriparus
- aythya
- baeolophus
- balearica
- bangsia
- baryphthengus
- basileuterus
- basilinna
- batis
- boissonneaua
- bombycilla
- bostrychia
- botaurus
- brachyramphus
- branta
- brotogeris
- bubalornis
- bubo
- bubulcus
- bucco
- bucephala
- bucorvus
- buphagus
- burhinus
- busarellus
- buteo
- buteogallus
- buthraupis
- butorides
- cacicus
- cairina
- calamospiza
- calcarius
- calendulauda
- calidris
- callipepla
- callonetta
- calocitta
- calypte
- calyptophilus
- camaroptera
- campephaga
- campephilus
- campethera
- campocolinus
- camptostoma
- campylopterus
- campylorhynchus
- cantorchilus
- capsiempis
- caracara
- cardellina
- cardinalis
- carduelis
- cassiculus
- catamenia
- cathartes
- catharus
- catherpes
- cecropis
- celeus
- centronyx
- centropus
- cephalopterus
- cepphus
- ceratopipra
- cercomacra
- cercomacroides
- cercotrichas
- certhia
- certhiaxis
- certhilauda
- ceryle
- cettia
- chaetocercus
- chaetops
- chalcothraupis
- chalybura
- chamaea
- chamaepetes
- charadrius
- chasiempis
- chauna
- chersomanes
- chionomesa
- chiroxiphia
- chlidonias
- chloephaga
- chlorestes
- chloris
- chloroceryle
- chlorochrysa
- chlorocichla
- chlorodrepanis
- chlorophanes
- chlorophonia
- chloropicus
- chlorospingus
- chlorostilbon
- chlorothraupis
- chondestes
- chordeiles
- chroicocephalus
- chrysococcyx
- chrysolampis
- chrysomma
- chrysomus
- chrysothlypis
- chrysuronia
- ciconia
- cinclodes
- cinclus
- cinnycerthia
- cinnyricinclus
- cinnyris
- circaetus
- circus
- cisticola
- cistothorus
- clangula
- cnemoscopus
- coccopygia
- coccyzus
- cochlearius
- coeligena
- coereba
- colaptes
- colibri
- colinus
- colius
- coloeus
- colorhamphus
- columba
- columbina
- contopus
- copsychus
- coracias
- coragyps
- corthylio
- corvus
- corythornis
- cossypha
- cotinga
- cranioleuca
- crax
- crinifer
- crithagra
- crotophaga
- crypturellus
- curaeus
- curruca
- cyanerpes
- cyanistes
- cyanocitta
- cyanocorax
- cyanoloxia
- cyanolyca
- cyclarhis
- cygnus
- cymbilaimus
- cynanthus
- cyphorhinus
- dacnis
- daptrius
- dendrocincla
- dendrocitta
- dendrocolaptes
- dendrocygna
- dendroplex
- dicrurus
- diglossa
- dinemellia
- diopsittaca
- discosura
- diuca
- dives
- dolichonyx
- donacobius
- doricha
- doryfera
- drepanis
- dromococcyx
- dryobates
- dryocopus
- dryoscopus
- dubusia
- ducula
- dulus
- dumetella
- egretta
- elaenia
- elanoides
- elanus
- electron
- elminia
- emberiza
- empidonax
- enicognathus
- ensifera
- ephippiorhynchus
- eremophila
- eremopterix
- eriocnemis
- erithacus
- estrilda
- eubucco
- eucometis
- eudocimus
- eugenes
- eumomota
- euneornis
- euodice
- euphagus
- eupherusa
- euphonia
- euplectes
- eupodotis
- eupsittula
- eurocephalus
- eurypyga
- falco
- ferminia
- ficedula
- florisuga
- fluvicola
- formicivora
- forpus
- fratercula
- fregata
- fringilla
- fulica
- fulmarus
- furnarius
- galbula
- galerida
- gallinago
- gallinula
- gallirex
- gallus
- gampsonyx
- garrulax
- gavia
- geococcyx
- geocolaptes
- geokichla
- geopelia
- geositta
- geospizopsis
- geothlypis
- geotrygon
- geranospiza
- glareola
- glaucidium
- goldmania
- gracupica
- grallaria
- grallaricula
- granatina
- grus
- guira
- guttera
- gygis
- gymnogyps
- gymnomystax
- gymnopithys
- gymnoris
- gypohierax
- gyps
- habia
- haematopus
- haemorhous
- halcyon
- haliaeetus
- harpia
- hedydipna
- heliangelus
- helicolestes
- heliodoxa
- heliomaster
- heliothryx
- helmitheros
- hemignathus
- herpetotheres
- hesperiphona
- hieraaetus
- himantopus
- himatione
- hirundo
- histrionicus
- histurgops
- hoploxypterus
- horornis
- hydrocoloeus
- hydroprogne
- hydropsalis
- hylocichla
- hylomanes
- hylophylax
- hymenops
- hypargos
- hypnelus
- hypsipetes
- ibycter
- ichthyaetus
- icteria
- icterus
- ictinia
- iduna
- iridophanes
- iridosornis
- ixobrychus
- ixoreus
- ixothraupis
- jabiru
- jacana
- junco
- jynx
- kaupifalco
- klais
- lafresnaya
- lagonosticta
- lagopus
- lampornis
- lamprotornis
- laniarius
- lanio
- lanius
- larosterna
- larus
- leiopicus
- leiothlypis
- leiothrix
- leistes
- lepidocolaptes
- lepidothrix
- leptodon
- leptoptilos
- leptosittaca
- leptotila
- lessonia
- leucocarbo
- leuconotopicus
- leucophaeus
- leucopternis
- leucosticte
- limnodromus
- limnornis
- limnothlypis
- limosa
- lissotis
- loddigesia
- lonchura
- lophaetus
- lophoceros
- lophodytes
- lophornis
- lophostrix
- lophotis
- lophotriccus
- lophura
- loriotus
- loxia
- loxioides
- loxops
- luscinia
- lybius
- machaeropterus
- machetornis
- machlolophus
- macronyx
- magumma
- malaconotus
- malacoptila
- manacus
- mareca
- margarobyas
- mecocerculus
- megaceryle
- megarynchus
- megascops
- melaenornis
- melanerpes
- melanitta
- melanoptila
- melanospiza
- melanotis
- meleagris
- melierax
- mellisuga
- melopsittacus
- melopyrrha
- melospiza
- melozone
- merganetta
- mergus
- merops
- mesembrinibis
- metallura
- micrathene
- microcarbo
- microrhopias
- milvago
- milvus
- mimus
- mirafra
- mitrephanes
- mniotilta
- molothrus
- momotus
- monasa
- monticola
- morus
- motacilla
- muscicapa
- myadestes
- mycteria
- myiarchus
- myiobius
- myioborus
- myiodynastes
- myiophobus
- myiopsitta
- myiothlypis
- myiotriccus
- myiozetetes
- myrmeciza
- myrmecocichla
- myrmotherula
- nannopterum
- necrosyrtes
- nectarinia
- nengetus
- neochmia
- neophron
- nesophlox
- netta
- nettapus
- nilaus
- nonnula
- numenius
- numida
- nyctanassa
- nyctibius
- nycticorax
- nyctidromus
- nyctiphrynus
- nystalus
- ochthoeca
- ocreatus
- ocyceros
- odontophorus
- oena
- oenanthe
- oncostoma
- onychognathus
- onychoprion
- onychorhynchus
- opisthocomus
- oporornis
- oreoscoptes
- oreothlypis
- oreotrochilus
- oriolus
- ortalis
- orthotomus
- ortygornis
- otus
- oxyura
- pachyramphus
- padda
- pandion
- panterpe
- panurus
- parabuteo
- parkesia
- paroaria
- paroreomyza
- parus
- passer
- passerculus
- passerella
- passerina
- patagioenas
- pavo
- pelecanus
- penelope
- pericrocotus
- periparus
- perisoreus
- petrochelidon
- peucaea
- peucedramus
- pezopetes
- phacellodomus
- phaenicophilus
- phaenostictus
- phaeochroa
- phaethon
- phaethornis
- phaetusa
- phainopepla
- phalacrocorax
- phalaropus
- phalcoboenus
- pharomachrus
- phasianus
- pheucticus
- pheugopedius
- philodice
- philohydor
- phleocryptes
- phoebastria
- phoeniconaias
- phoenicopterus
- phoeniculus
- phrygilus
- phyllomyias
- phylloscopus
- phytotoma
- piaya
- pica
- picidae
- picoides
- picumnus
- pilherodius
- pionus
- pipile
- pipilo
- pipra
- pipreola
- piranga
- pitangus
- platalea
- platysteira
- plectrophenax
- plectropterus
- plegadis
- ploceus
- pluvialis
- podiceps
- podilymbus
- poecile
- poecilotriccus
- pogoniulus
- pogonocichla
- poicephalus
- poikilocarbo
- polemaetus
- polihierax
- poliocrania
- polioptila
- polyboroides
- polyerata
- pooecetes
- porphyrio
- porzana
- prinia
- prionops
- priotelus
- progne
- promerops
- protonotaria
- prunella
- psaltriparus
- psarocolius
- pseudasthenes
- pseudastur
- pseudocolaptes
- pseudoleistes
- pseudonigrita
- pseudotriccus
- psilopogon
- psilorhinus
- psittacara
- psittacula
- pternistis
- pterocles
- pterodroma
- pteroglossus
- ptiliogonys
- ptilopsis
- pulsatrix
- pycnonotus
- pygarrhichas
- pygochelidon
- pyrilia
- pyrocephalus
- pyrope
- pyrrhomyias
- pyrrhura
- pytilia
- quelea
- quiscalus
- rallus
- ramphastos
- ramphocaenus
- ramphocelus
- recurvirostra
- regulus
- rhea
- rhipidura
- rhodinocichla
- rhodopis
- rhopospina
- rhynchophanes
- rhynchospiza
- riccordia
- riparia
- rissa
- rostratula
- rostrhamus
- rupicola
- rupornis
- rynchops
- sagittarius
- sakesphorus
- salpinctes
- saltator
- sarcoramphus
- saucerottia
- saxicola
- sayornis
- scolopax
- scopus
- seiurus
- selasphorus
- semnornis
- sericossypha
- serinus
- serpophaga
- setophaga
- sialia
- sicalis
- sipia
- sitta
- sittiparus
- somateria
- spatula
- spheniscus
- sphyrapicus
- spilopelia
- spindalis
- spinus
- spiza
- spizaetus
- spizella
- spizelloides
- sporathraupis
- sporophila
- sporopipes
- stactolaema
- starnoenas
- stelgidopteryx
- stercorarius
- sterna
- sternula
- stilpnia
- streptopelia
- strix
- struthio
- sturnella
- sturnus
- sula
- sylvietta
- synallaxis
- synthliboramphus
- tachuris
- tachybaptus
- tachycineta
- tachyeres
- tachyphonus
- tadorna
- tangara
- tapera
- taphrospilus
- tchagra
- telophorus
- terathopius
- terenotriccus
- teretistris
- terpsiphone
- thalasseus
- thalurania
- thamnolaea
- thamnophilus
- thaumasius
- theristicus
- thraupis
- threskiornis
- thripadectes
- thryomanes
- thryophilus
- thryothorus
- tiaris
- tigrisoma
- tityra
- tmetothylacus
- tockus
- todirostrum
- todus
- tolmomyias
- torgos
- torreornis
- toxostoma
- trachyphonus
- treron
- tricholaema
- tringa
- trochilus
- troglodytes
- trogon
- turdoides
- turdus
- turtur
- tyrannulus
- tyrannus
- tyto
- upupa
- uraeginthus
- uranomitra
- uria
- urile
- urochroa
- urocolius
- urolestes
- uropsalis
- urosticte
- vanellus
- veniliornis
- vermivora
- vidua
- vireo
- volatinia
- xema
- xolmis
- yungipicus
- zapornia
- zeledonia
- zenaida
- zentrygon
- zimmerius
- zonotrichia
- zosterops
- anaplectes
- anthocephalus
- enops
- enus
- eurystomus
- iphocolaptes
- iphorhynchus

Conservation Status - Critically Endangered
I began to photograph birds solely because of their beauty and for my own pleasure, but I quickly realized that the world’s bird populations were decreasing at an alarming rate. With many species becoming extinct and countless others threatened with extinction, I felt the urgency to protect them in what became clear to me had become an increasingly dangerous world, not only for birds but other animals as well.
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Conservation Status - Critically Endangered

For much of the past two decades, Chicago native Owen Deutsch has traveled the globe pursuing his love of nature and passion for bird photography. After initially retiring in 1986 from a twenty-year career as a fashion photographer to focus on his real estate business, Deutsch reentered the photography world in 2002 and hasn't looked back.
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100% of the royalties for Bringing Back The Birds will be
donated to the American Bird Conservancy, which partnered
with Owen on the book, to help fund their conservation
efforts throughout the Americas.
Winner of: 2020 Gold Independent Publisher Book Award in Nature, 2019 Gold Nautilus Award in Animals & Nature and, 2019 Gold Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award in Nature.