artist’s statement
OWEN DEUTSCH had a twenty-year career as a fashion photographer before retiring in 1986 to devote his time to his second business, Loft Development Corporation—a company with a rich history as an early pioneer in the practice of renovating old urban industrial warehouses and converting them into loft-style office spaces and other solutions. In 2002, he was introduced to birding by a close friend who asked for some help with his bird photography. A whole new world opened up to him and he was hooked. He was back in the beauty business again, but this time it was birds, butterflies, and all the magnificent creatures of nature in front of his lens. In between trips all over the world in pursuit of his passion, Deutsch updates his extensive website and his popular Facebook page to share his love of birds with friends. A Chicago native, he continues to call Chicago home. On Thursday May 10th 2018, Chicago Tonight on WTTW-Chicago PBS aired an update to a profile on his work ranging from his fashion career to his bird photography. To see it, click this link: Chicago Tonight on WTTW-Chicago PBS

100% of the royalties for Bringing Back The Birds will be donated to the American Bird Conservancy, which partnered with Owen on the book, to help fund their conservation efforts throughout the Americas.
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