Mike Parr is the president of American Bird Conservancy. For almost 25 years Mike has been with the American Bird Conservancy working hard to protect birds and their habitat. We recently collaborated with American Bird Conservancy on a book that was released last year called, Bringing Back the Birds. We asked him what was his favorite bird was from the collection.

There’s a reason they call it Marvelous
My favorite bird from Bringing Back the Birds is the Marvelous Spatuletail hummingbird – the very last full-page photo on the inside of the book. I was actually present when Owen took the photo and we were delighted with the way it came out. The birds are difficult to photograph as they tend to move incessantly! American Bird Conservancy is committed to saving the spatuletail from extinction. It’s my favorite bird because it’s just so unusual and spectacular – just like Owen’s photo of it!

A Peruvian Adventure Awaits
While the species can be hard to photograph, it’s actually not that hard to see. If you are interested in visiting, check out Conservation Birding and plan a birding trip to Northern Peru. You’ll see all sorts of wonderful birds – likely including the Marvelous Spatuletail, along with colorful tanagers, dozens of hummingbird species, oilbirds, and maybe even the rare Long-whiskered Owlet! The Owlet Lodge is a great place to stay and is the centerpiece of the beautiful Abra Patricia reserve established by ABC’s Peruvian partner ECOAN.

Want to see what other birding professionals say their favorite birds is? Stay tuned for more collaborators’ favorite birds!
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